Fertility Enhancing Surgery

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Laparoscopic Myomectomy

Diagnostic Hystero Laparoscopy for infertility | EVA IVF & Women's Centre

Laparoscopic myomectomy is a minimally invasive surgical approach used to remove uterine fibroids or leiomyomas, which have appeared during childbearing age in women. Uterine fibroids have been responsible for several symptoms such as heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, and some issues in fertility among women. With small incisions into the abdomen, laparoscopic myomectomy can eliminate fibroids exactly and preserve the uterus for women’s benefit to preserve fertility who would like to retain the gestation potential. In this process, a thin tube with a camera fixed at the end is placed in the abdomen so that the surgeon may have a magnified view of the uterus; hence it is more careful while placing and removing the fibroids. This is less invasive than open surgery; hence it results in lesser pain, faster recovery, and lesser scarring.

Some of the Fertility Surgery clinics in Chennai such as Eva Infertility & Women Centre offer laparoscopic myomectomy and fertility-preserving treatments for patients.