Male Subfertility Services

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Micro TESE

Fertility Preservation Services in Chennai | EVA IVF & Women's Centre

Microdissection Testicular Sperm Extraction (MicroTESE) is a surgical procedure used to retrieve sperm from the seminiferous tubules of a male’s testes. It is used for men with non-obstructive azoospermia, which is when a man cannot produce enough sperm to have a detectable amount in his semen – a common cause of male infertility. MicroTESE is generally recommended if a man has an adequate level of testosterone in his blood after a hormone test and has other exams indicating that his testicles are not making normal amounts of sperm, or if he remains azoospermic even though he has received treatment and his testosterone levels have been normal for at least four months. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and involves using an operating microscope to observe regions of seminiferous tubules of the testes that have more chance of containing spermatozoa. The success rate of MicroTESE is quite favorable for men, with doctors being able to find sperm approximately 60% of the time during MicroTESE procedures.